Through our combined expertise and passion for safety and health, we have developed a holistic positive safety program that integrates best-practice methodology across the fields of neuroscience, psychology, risk and safety science, human factors and ergonomics.

The guiding principle of our program is to embed safety in every person, leader and team of the organisation, so that every person prioritises and commits to making safe decisions that lead to safe behaviour. To achieve this, Soteris utilise an integrated quadratic model that offers four distinct programs focussing on leader development, coaching, culture change and development and embedding strategies.
The guiding principle of the ESI approach is to build individual and collective responsibility in every person of the organisation for a truly sustainable safety culture. Each of our programs is designed to function as a standalone strategy, however the true power and potential of the Soteris ESI program is realised when all four programs are implemented as a holistic integrated approach.
Why is neuroscience important to safety?
Each Soteris program is based on neuroscience, which is an innovative and contemporary area of research that is concerned with the brain’s role in how people behave and what motivates their behaviour. It adds a new dimension to traditional cognitive and behaviour-based approaches to safety, without discarding the key features that made these programs effective in improving safety performance.
Much of our behaviour is motivated by our unconscious thoughts, feelings and physical reactions to the world around us. These reactions interact to shape our unique response to our specific environments. It is this complexity of human behaviour that makes safety a challenge – a challenge that can be resolved.
People are the solution to safety and not the problem. By harnessing both the conscious and unconscious mind of your people and your leaders, we can work with you to shape and sustain positive safety attitudes, beliefs and behaviours for a truly positive safety culture.
Neuroscience applies to any safety intervention and any level of an organisation.
At an individual level, understanding the mind helps us to build awareness of the individual beliefs, judgments, perceptions, and attitudes that influence decision-making and behaviour in safety. It helps us develop individualised tools and techniques to effectively respond to these unconscious and conscious processes. It also harnesses individual accountability that leads to safer choices and actions, shifting the responsibility for safety from one or a few people in an organisation, to sharing it at all levels.
At a leadership level, it means understanding what drives you as an individual and a leader, and what drives your managers and your teams. Without doubt, one of the key motivators of human behaviour is social interaction. Social neuroscience assists leaders to develop the tools to construct social environments that minimize threat and enhance reward. It also helps leaders to build stronger relationship connections between individuals to promote safety mateship, which is essential to forming a strong safety culture.
At an organisational level, the more you understand your people and the complexity of their interactions and relationships, the more able you are to target barriers to safety performance at every level, and the more able you are to establish an embedded and sustainable safety culture.
Applying these scientific principles to workplace safety, the greater understanding we have of the brains role in behaviour, the better able we are to tailor a safety package specific to each organisation that helps us overcome barriers to improvements in safety performance and smash through your performance plateau.
Soteris can assist you make changes in your organisation, no matter how big or small, to create a powerful and lasting safety culture.
Contact Soteris to help your organisation eliminate safety incidents – today and tomorrow – and protect the wellbeing of your people.